Working with Church Schools
Infinity Academies Trust is very proud to work in partnership with the Diocese of Lincoln. Our articles of association are based on the Church of England model articles which means that the majority of our members are approved by the Diocese. We also ensure that the Church is represented at local level through our Academy Development Committees. We believe whole-heartedly that working with both Church of England and Community schools enhances our Trust and its ability to meet the needs of all its communities.
In order to provide life in abundance for all who attend, it is with humility, grace, compassion and expertise that Church schools are lead within Infinity Academies Trust. Asking, “What is the work of God in this place?” (John Wesley) allows each school to flourish in its own richly unique context thus ensuring that each community is well served. In an educational world of many competing voices it can be difficult to be courageous; with relationships at their core, Infinity Academies Trust church schools are supported to elevate the importance of the school’s vision and focus on what it truly means to be an effective Christian learning community.
Infinity Academies Trust develop/ support church schools by:
- Offering a range of CPD opportunities: Understanding SIAMS, developing your Christian vision, values into practice, Church School action group
- SIAMS SEF writing workshops as part of the School Improvement cycle “If you don’t measure what you value, you end up valuing what other people measure.”
- Lesson study/ Peer Review opportunities focussing on the impact of the schools Christian vision (Inspection question: How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leaders at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?)
- Networking opportunities to share good practice
- Work symbiotically with the Lincoln DBE, via the SLA, to ensure that through our distinctive Christian vision and values we are fulfilling our commitment to their vision of “Excellence. Exploration. Encouragement.”
- Working with leaders at all levels to ensure exciting, engaging curriculums meet the needs of learners within their specific context
- Securing expert financial management to ensure that children are able to access opportunities which enable flourishing (residentials, curriculum experiences, extra-curricular opportunities, staffing etc)
What is SIAMS? The CofE Vision for Education says:
“It is a matter of affirming what is of worth in the past and the present, rejecting courageously things that we judge unwise, and working to transform those that are valuable but need improvement.”
Infinity Academies Trust is an active participant in the Diocese MAT Partnership Agreement ensuring that all our schools and the Trust work closely with the Diocese to retain their Church distinctiveness and ensure that our schools, pupils and colleagues flourish.