School Improvement Model
Children are at the heart of everything we do, so we ensure that at the centre of our Trust’s school improvement model is the pupils’ learning. All the school improvement actions which we take are aiming to improve the provision and outcomes of the pupils in the Trust.
The improvement model is based upon a cycle which involves: planning, setting targets, implementing the plan, monitoring the plan against targets whilst making small improvements before finally evaluating how effective the plan has been.
All our schools and staff provide capacity for improving provision across the Trust for our children. In addition, we have a range of colleagues who have been designated as system leaders who support schools beyond our Trust.
The majority of academies within the Trust are Good and Outstanding schools with children performing well. Therefore, a key element of our Trust is ensuring that such schools continue to improve and pupils make even more progress. We believe that all schools have good practice and we can all learn from each other and we are eager to facilitate this within the Trust.
We also look at the risks across Infinity Academies Trust to ensure that the performance of our schools does not decline as children only have one chance to receive the best education.
We use the following actions to ensure all our schools improve and our children can achieve their best:
- We work with leaders to monitor the full range of outcomes data including current and historic pupil outcomes and OFSTED judgements on a regular basis.
- Leaders will share their concerns including safeguarding issues or parent complaints so that we can work together to tackle these.
- Leaders work in partnership to deliver the quality improvement process across the Trust. This is carefully timetabled and operates at both a school and an overarching Trust level.
- Leaders will look at Improvement priorities at both a school and a Trust level.
- We carefully consider how we can use the expertise within the Trust to support the improvement journey of individual schools.
- We aim to deploy support from within the Trust as both parties gain from the process but we will also commission support from our external partners when necessary.
- We consider the level of need or risk to a school to help determine the Trust’s improvement priorities but also ensure that all schools are appropriately supported
- Our Academy Development Committees are sub-committees of the Trust Board and hold schools to account in line with our published scheme of delegation and ensure the well-being of our children and colleagues.
- The Trust board will also hold leaders to account for the performance of children across the Trust
- We expect all our schools to support our school improvement process
- In turn our leaders have produced a school improvement process to ensure that all our staff are supported to provide the very best provision for our pupils.