Actions create Ripples
CEO Thought of the Week
Happy Friday everyone!
Welcome to my first “thought of the week”. It’s my intention to write to you weekly as part of this bulletin to share an update or thought based on the events from across our Trust. The aim is to celebrate what we do, share news or just give us “pause for thought“ at the end of each busy week. I’ll try to make them brief and hopefully a positive contribution to continuing to build the culture of our Infinity Family. So here goes….
There have been a number of occasions this week where I have been fortunate enough to be reminded that our actions create ripples that go way further than many of us would ever anticipate. The work you do across Infinity matters and makes more of a difference than we can always appreciate.
This week I have met with students that have long since left our schools who have recounted to me their interactions with adults from their primary schools and the positive memories they have of that time! I have had conversations with the Department for Education, the Diocese and the Teaching School Hub all who mentioned the improvements they’ve noted in our schools or events they’ve seen via social media. I have seen our schools in the newspapers, heard about the positive impact we’ve had on families and witnessed visitors who are just “coming to look” at what we do. The ripples go on and on!
I know our jobs are challenging but do not ever underestimate that what you do matters and when we do it well we change individuals, families and communities for the better. When I receive this feedback as CEO, I walk a little taller and with slightly more spring in my step. I hope this email helps you do the same and that you give some thought this weekend to just how much you “make a difference”.
Thanks for being a positive part of our Infinity family!
Best Wishes