Choose Positivity!
CEO Thought for the Week
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I hope you’ve had a good week and are back in the groove after the Christmas break.
Yesterday I had the privilege of being at Pinchbeck East whilst they had the Church School Inspection (SIAMs). The wonderful thing about Church inspections (unlike our friends at Ofsted) is that they come to the school looking to find things to celebrate and with the presumption that the school is doing a good job! This changes the tone of the whole conversation. It gives the school, its staff and the pupils the confidence to be themselves, to share their successes and to be open about their development points. This inspection experience of looking for the strengths made me wonder whether if this is the approach we are taking day to day in our classrooms and with each other. Are we starting our conversations and interactions from a positive place? Are we looking for strengths and successes? Are we assuming the best in others be they children or colleagues?
I know how this approach completely changes the tone and experience of an inspection maybe if we all lived a bit more like it in our everyday lives we may see even more positives there as well.
Keep up the energy and optimism- is what we all need from each other!
Have a great end to the week!
Best Wishes