Choice and Actions
CEO Thought for the Week
Hi All,
Hope you’re having a good week- the days seem to be flying by at the moment!
My daughter is a massive Harry Potter fan which means our house is covered in every form of Harry Potter merchandise from cuddly toys to action figures, to mugs and even a collection wands!! Alongside the books, and posters we of course routinely and regularly watch the films…again and again! So, I’m quite familiar with the characters, plots and spells! What always strikes me when I watch the films is that buried amongst conversations about chocolate frogs, mythical swords and broomsticks are some thought-provoking words. Often imparted by one of the teachers at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to their students who are struggling with some dilemma or another. And when it’s not a teacher then a trusted friend steps in to provide some wisdom.
I’ve included a few of my favourite quotes below and the common theme amongst them is choice. Everything in life ultimately comes down to a choice-to do something (take action) or not. Invariably when we reflect on crucial moments of choice, we rarely chastise ourselves for taking action or doing something, it’s always the moments when we chose not to act, speak up or make a change that we regret. So, as we push on with the final days and weeks of this term try whenever there is a choice to take some kind of action to improve the situation whatever that may be- big or small. Your future self will be proud of you for doing so!
And in the words of Albus Dumbledore remember “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided”.
Thank you for all you do and for being such a crucial part of the Infinity Family.
Best Wishes