"Thank you!" to everyone
CEO Thought for the Week
Hooray! We’ve made it!
Well done to all of you for an amazing year! There have been too many achievements to mention, and I know each one of you has given your everything to support our children, your schools, and your colleagues right across the Trust. Your hard work, determination and expertise is appreciated and makes such an impact to the lives of our young people. Many of them will reflect on the memories you have provided for years to come and will be using the skills you’ve taught them for a lifetime. A special “thanks” as always to some of those unsung heroes who might not get a “thank you” directly from pupils such as our office teams, our site staff, cleaners, and central team colleagues who all contribute massively to the smooth running of our schools and the experiences of our children.
To all our colleagues who are moving on to pastures news, I am very grateful for your service, commitment, and passion over the time you’ve been with us. Each one of you has contributed to making school, a positive experience of our children and families. I’m thankful for your support and encouragement of others and I wish you all the best for your next adventure.
I sincerely hope you have a relaxing break, enjoy time with your nearest and dearest and recharge your batteries. This is a time for you, and I hope you make the very most of it. I look forward to an exciting new school year with so much already planned for our schools but let’s not think about that too soon and just enjoy the summer break stretching out before us! It’s a lovely feeling!
Have a good one! See you in September!
Best Wishes