Spalding Primary Academy
By learning together and succeeding together, Spalding Primary Academy aims to:
Ensure all children are enabled to achieve to their optimum ability in a culture of success through:
- Dynamic leadership
- Teaching and support of a high standard
- Trained staff who are supported and developed
- A personalised and varied curriculum
- High quality resources
- Stimulating environment
School Motto:
“Learning together, succeeding together.”
The aim of our curriculum at Spalding Primary Academy is to build resilient learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills to be effective members of both our local and global community. Through quality teaching, the use of learning partners and talking to each other, all children will be challenged to be inquisitive, resilient, confident learners. This will enable our children to develop a deep knowledge across the curriculum, which is brought to life through a variety of rich and vibrant knowledge based experiences.
The ambitions for our curriculum:
Resilience that permeates across our whole school.
Children that communicate with each other through the use of learning partners to close language gaps.
Flexibility for those of different abilities to work at an appropriate pace and to their potential.
Lincolnshire is isolated in terms of transport, culture and location. We want our curriculum to expand the experiences and ambitions of our pupils. We want our pupils to learn about knowledge alongside national and global information.
We want our children to have a wide and expressive vocabulary. We do this by delivering early phonics teaching and ensure our books are phonetically matched. We strive to inspire a love of reading in all our pupils.